
Example of “Terms and Conditions” for a school book rental scheme

Here is a brief outline of terms and conditions which could be applied to help you implement a school book rental scheme in your school.

1. The scheme is voluntary. Book lists will be supplied to parents in the normal way.

2. A security deposit of €_____ is payable on behalf of each student who joins the scheme. This deposit carries forward to the following year if all books are returned in good condition at the end of current year.

3. The security deposit will be held against the safe return of all books rented to pupils under the scheme. If books are lost or damaged, a percentage or all of this deposit will be retained to cover such loss or damage.

4. Full compensation for lost books will be required before re-admission to the scheme. However, this deposit will be returned should a pupil leave the scheme having safely returned all the rented books within an acceptable condition of use.

5. Annual rental: A rental charge of €____ per year will apply in addition to the security deposit of €____. The payment of both charges will secure the rental of all relevant text books listed in the book list as and when required throughout the school year.

6. Purchase of workbooks, disposable materials and stationery will remain outside the scope of this scheme and remain the responsibility of the parents.

7. To qualify for admission to the scheme the deposit and rental charge must be paid on or before 1st X month (June) each year. This deadline is absolute – no late applications will be considered.

8. The Department of Education Book Grant scheme will be operated separately from this scheme. Application forms for the book grant scheme can be obtained from the school office and must be submitted to the school office before X month. If a pupil is deemed eligible, a grant of €____ will be set against the rental charge of €_____ leaving a balance of €_____ to be paid. The Security deposit of €____ will still be payable if you are a new entrant to the scheme.

9. Each pupil/parent will be required to sign a receipt for the books supplied which will be retained in the school. The books supplied under the scheme will remain the property of the school and may be subject to inspection at any time by a member of the teaching staff.

10. Membership of the scheme is at the discretion of the school Principal. Any pupil found to be abusing, defacing or disposing of rented books will be dismissed from the scheme and will be required to supply their own text books for the remainder of their time in the school.

11. Books supplied under the scheme may be new or second hand at the discretion of the Principal.

If you have any questions or require more details on book covering systems, visit our website or contact us: + 353 1 460 2200